Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Prune Juice and Weight Loss

How many diets, drinks, foods, and supplements have you tried in your effort at weight loss? How many of these diets, drinks, foods and supplements have been helpful? A lot of drinks and foods have been related to weight loss, but not much has been spoken of prune juice and weight loss. People are now learning the effects of this wonder drink, and how it can help you shed those pounds effectively, and keep them away. Here, apart from how this drink works, and the benefits of prune juice for weight loss, we will also enlist the other benefits of this drink.

How Prune Juice Enables Weight Loss

While it is now common knowledge that prune juice aids weight loss, it is imperative to know how this happens.
  • Prunes themselves are very rich in fiber. As such, prune juice itself is also a fiber-rich drink, that keeps you fuller for longer hours. This means you don't wind up snacking on the wrong foods at irregular times. The calories consumed are fewer and therefore, it helps with losing weight.
  • Prune juice is also a natural laxative, and a lot of people have resorted to drinking prune juice for constipation. In any case, consuming prune juice is helpful for its laxative effect, thereby helping in the release of toxins and excess fat in the body. By regulating the digestive health of an individual, prune juice enables safe and healthy weight loss.
  • To use prune juice as a natural aid for weight loss, consume it just before a meal so that it reduces your appetite. It can also be consumed in place of a snack when you feel those hunger pangs. Do not consume any more than two glasses a day for weight loss.
Apart from the aforementioned benefits, there are also several other prune juice benefits. They help in regulating cholesterol levels in the body, they are rich in antioxidants that take care of harmful free radicals in the body, they help control acidity, and finally, they contain phenolic compounds that are known to prevent fatal conditions such as cancer. There are also several benefits of prune juice for infants and babies, information on which can be found in this article on prune juice for babies. So not only weight loss, you have a lot of other reasons to consume prune juice.

Tips to Remember While Consuming Prune Juice for Weight Loss

As you consider the benefits of prune juice and weight loss, there are certain considerations that need to be kept in mind.
  • Firstly, since it is so rich in fibers an excess consumption of this drink can lead to diarrhea and weakening of the digestive system. As such, do not assume that if you drink more prune juice you will lose more weight. An excess of anything can be harmful for the body, and so is the case with prune juice.
  • Secondly, solely drinking prune juice and remaining on your regular diet is not going to help you lose weight. You must follow a healthy diet, cut down on foods rich in fats, simply eat right and exercise so as to help prune juice be an effective remedy for you.
  • Another important consideration when it comes to the use of prune juice and weight loss, is that an excess of prune juice can in fact, cause weight gain. This is because prune juice is made up of simple sugars, an excess of which is directly stored in fat cells.
  • If you are purchasing commercial prune juice ensure that there are no added sugars in it, else it can do you more harm than good. Not only does it have added sugars, it can also have other unhealthy additives in it.
Finally, all that can be said is that there is no miraculous drink that will work overnight and help you shed those excess pounds in a jiffy. The same is true for prune juice and weight loss. Prune juice will aid your efforts at weight loss, but it alone cannot have any substantial effects. However, when combined with any of the good weight loss diets, along with a suitable exercise routine, prune juice is bound to help you restore those curves.

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