Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Isometric Exercises Examples

Those who are regular at gyms and body building experts must definitely be knowing what isometric exercises are. For those who are not much in this circuit, allow me to explain what are isometric exercises. Isometric exercises are those exercises where there is a contraction of a muscle without any change in the joint angle and the muscle length. These exercises are either done in static positions opposed by resistance or the joints and muscles are worked against a stationary force. The former is known as the overcoming isometric and the latter is called as yielding isometric. So after all this ranting and raving about isometric exercises, I am sure you would want to know about isometric exercises examples! What do you think?

Examples of Isometric Exercises

These isometric exercises are useful for strength conditioning generally. These are also used in cases where muscle rehabilitation and strengthening sans unnecessary pressure is required. There are basically two types of isometric exercises - The first is the isometric exercise where you push or pull against an immovable object. The second type is a weight that's held steady without moving it. Coming up are some more such exercises.

Isomeric Exercise #1
The first exercise is called the plank bridge and it is a full body exercise. This does not require any equipment. Here goes -
  • Lie with your face down on the ground and place your elbows and forearms beneath your chest.
  • Lift yourself up to form a bridge with the support of your forearms and toes.
  • Your back has to be flat and your hips should not sag towards the ground.
  • Be in this position for 10-30 seconds or till you can maintain a flat bridge.
This exercise in your isometric workout is great for your whole body, especially your upper body.

Isomeric Exercise #2
The core exercise which is going to be described now is a part of isometric exercises for legs. Check it out. These are called isometric leg extensions. For doing this, these are the steps -
  • Stand next to a bed, around 18 inches high.
  • Face away from the bed with the back of your legs against the side of the bed.
  • Now bend the right leg and then rest it on the bed which is behind you.
  • At this juncture your upper leg has to point straight down and your knee has to be bent to roughly 90 degrees.
  • Simultaneously, your lower leg has to rest on the bed, parallel to the floor.
  • Finally, push your right leg in the bed as powerfully as possible and hold for 10-30 seconds.
Doing this will strengthen your legs. Try this out!

Isomeric Exercise #3
Shoulder raises is another of the umpteen isometric exercises examples. For doing these though, you need equipment, that is dumbbells. Grab the dumb bells - one in each hand and then hold your arms straight out on your sides. If possible hold this position for around 6 to 8 seconds. Follow that by slowly dropping the arms to your sides. That's it! This is what you need to do for getting toned shoulders and arms.

Isometric Exercise #4
If you are looking at working on your chest muscles, this one amongst isometric exercises examples is perfect. Here is how you can do this exercise.
  • Start with your arms bent and hands together in front.
  • Now breathe in counting till 4 and after you reach that 4 second mark, gradually exhale as you keep pressing your hands together applying maximum pressure for around 10 seconds.
  • Clench your teeth and let out a sound resembling 'sssss' while air goes out through your mouth.
  • After you get to the 10 seconds slowly release the pressure from your hands and make sure you are breathing deeply.
Isomeric Exercise #5
With sedentary lifestyles and working on computers for most part of the day, our necks become stiff. This exercise will loosen out your neck and make the neck muscles strong.
  • Stand straight with your feet hip distance apart and toes pointing forwards.
  • Keep your knees slightly bent and your abs tucked in firmly.
  • Now tilt your head straight back as much as possible.
  • Place your hands on your forehead and interlock your fingers.
  • Gradually bring your head forward as if you are trying to touch your chest with your chin, resisting with your hands and arms.
  • Create tension in the neck muscles as you inhale for 3-4 seconds.
  • Let your neck be completely tensed and push your head forward to your chest as hard as you can, simultaneously resisting with your arms and exhaling for 7-12 seconds.
Doing this exercise will make your neck muscles stronger and they will be less strained as a result of the daily work pressure.

There are many more isometric exercises examples, for instance isometric exercises for abs, calf muscles and so on. These were just a glimpse of how these are done and what are these. Along with these some very common activities warranting isometric or static strength or involve isometric muscle contraction are climbing, mountain biking and motocross, Judo, wrestling, alpine skiing, shooting, gymnastics, some body weight exercises, and horseback riding.

So that's it! I hope you have a good time working out after knowing about isometric exercises examples! Happy Working out!

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