Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Lemonade Diet Reviews

In the quest for the perfect figure or perfect body, people nowadays will go to any depths and limits. The proof of this lies in the fact that there are so many diets and weight loss programs all around that one is left confused regarding which one works and which one is safe to try out. One such diet that has become quite famous is the lemonade diet or the master cleanse diet, which is said to work wonders and helps a person lose up to a pound a day. This diet became quite famous after Beyonce Knowles tried it successfully just before she went onto shoot the movie 'Dreamgirls'. However, one is left confused about whether to follow this diet or not after reading so many conflicting reviews about it. Before we go onto details regarding the various lemonade diet reviews which will help you see the pros and cons of this diet, let us try and find out what this diet is all about.

What is the Master Cleanse Diet?

The master cleanse diet is a diet wherein the person has a very restricted intake and no solid food is allowed. The person can only drink a solution that contains water, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and maple syrup, which is what constitutes the basic lemonade diet recipe. No other drinks and absolutely no solid food should be consumed. In the morning, the person needs to do the master cleanse salt water flush which acts as a natural laxative and basically flushes out the toxins and waste accumulated in the intestine in the morning. This diet needs to be done for a minimum of two weeks at a stretch for any kind of worthwhile results. It should be done for a maximum of two months (although this is also pushing it a bit too far). Given below are details regarding the master cleanse lemonade diet reviews including the various pros and cons of this diet.

Pros of Lemonade Diet
  • The lemonade diet will help you to lose weight in no time. Due to the severe restrictions on the food that one is allowed to eat, as this is a liquid diet, some people claim to lose even two pounds a day if they couple the diet with rigorous exercise. Hence, this is said to be a 'quick fix' diet for people that want to fit into their favorite dress or want to just lose a few pounds in a week's time.
  • This diet acts as a natural colon cleanse. It helps to get rid of the accumulated plaque that settles along the inner lining of the intestine.
  • People that have habits like smoking and drinking abstain from them when they are on the master cleanse diet. If nothing else works, at least people that are addicted to smoking or drinking tend to abstain from doing so when they are on the master cleanse diet.
Cons of Lemonade Diet
  • There are many master cleanse dangers that one needs to be weary of. To begin with, this diet does not allow a person to eat any solid food. So, although there are claims made that the calorie intake of a person on the master cleanse diet is not very low, the fact is that it is much lower than the required daily calorie intake. Also, one does not take in any minerals and vitamins when on this diet. So, it is not a very healthy option when it comes to quick weight loss.
  • Many people complain that they suffer from side effects while on the master cleanse diet. Diarrhea, low energy levels, irritability and mood swings, etc., are common when people are on the master cleanse diet.
  • One of the major factors that goes against this diet according to many negative master cleanse reviews, is that many people have a tendency of binging once they are done with this diet. This leads to rebound weight gain as very few people are motivated enough when it comes to maintaining weight loss after master cleanse diet.
This was a small discussion regarding lemonade diet reviews. This diet is one of the most well known fad diets and is still gaining popularity by the day. However, one needs to look up various lemonade diet reviews and only then make an informed decision on whether or not he or she wishes to embark on this diet.

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