Monday, November 29, 2010

Oily Face Treatment

Oil secreted by the oil glands that lie below the skin surface are good for making the skin soft and supple. It is helpful in delaying the fine lines, wrinkles and other signs of aging. However, too much of oil is not good for the skin. There are lots of problems associated with oily skin. Firstly, it makes the facial skin look shiny and greasy all the time. A greasy face attracts dirt and grime that tend to clog up the skin pores and lead to various skin problems including frequent acne outbreaks. Another disadvantage is that the pores of oily are quite prominent and easily visible. As a result, the facial skin looks dull. Oily face is mostly triggered by genetic factors. Sometimes, it get aggravated due to eating oily or fatty foods. It is not a major issue and you do not have to visit a dermatologist for oily face treatment.

How to Care for Oily Skin

Proper skin care is an integral part of oily face treatment. The main steps of oily skin care are as follows:

Step #1: Keep your facial skin clean. You have to wash your face 2-3 times in a day but not more than that. Use a good quality mild face wash for oily skin for this purpose. If you have an acne prone skin, then use one such cleanser which has salicylic acid in it. While washing your face, do not rub your skin harshly. Those who wear makeup should remove the makeup first with the help of makeup remover before washing face.

Step #2: Use astringent for skin toning. It strips off the excess of oil from the skin and thus helps to maintain oil balance of the skin. An non-alcohol based astringent is most suitable for oily face control. You should use astringent skin toner once in a day. Those who have acne on their face should use acne cream instead of skin toners after washing their face.

Step #3: Apply moisturizer. If washing the face make your skin dry, then you must use a skin moisturizer to hydrate the skin. Always use water based moisturizer on oily skin and stay away from any oil based moisturizer like those with mineral oils or cocoa butter or any other such oily components. Read the label of the moisturizer before purchasing.

Step #4: Apply sunscreen before going out in the sun. When you go out in the heat, sweating promotes excessive secretion of natural oils that tend to clog up the pores and worsen the skin condition. Therefore, you should protect your skin from harmful effects of sun by applying a sunscreen with a SPF value 15. The gel based sunscreen are the best option for oily face.

Home Remedies for Oily Face

As you know you have to keep your oily skin clean in order to keep it free from blemishes. Oily face home remedies involves use of some natural ingredients for deep cleansing of the skin which in turn will bring about improvement in the skin condition. Here are a few homemade face masks for oily skin which are highly beneficial for treatment for oily face:

Remedy #1: You need one fresh apple and 3 tablespoon of honey. Peel off the fresh apple and cut it into slices. Put the apple pieces and honey in a blender and make a smooth paste. Apply this paste after cleansing your face. Wait for 15 minutes and then wash off. This will tighten up the large skin pores of the oily skin.

Remedy #2: Take one tablespoon each of rice powder and cornflour and some lemon juice in a bowl. Mix all the ingredients properly to prepare a thick paste. Massage it on the face with a gentle circular motions. Let it stay on the skin for some time and then wash off. There are several benefits of this oily skin treatments. It exfoliates the skin by removing the dead skin cells and thus open up the clogged pores. The bleaching properties of the lemon juice present in this mask for oily skin will fade out the acne scars and other blemishes from skin.

Remedy #3: A clay mask is one of the most effective oily face remedies. It helps a lot in deep cleansing of the oily skin. To prepare this mask you need 2 tablespoon of green clay, one tablespoon each of honey and yogurt, a few drop of lemon juice and a few drops of lavender oil. Prepare a thick paste by mixing up all these ingredients and apply it on the entire face except the region surrounding the eyes. Allow the mask to dry up and then remove it gently with lukewarm water. You must go for this kind of deep cleansing once in a week.

The basic rules of oily face treatment for men and women remains the same. You have to keep the skin oil free with proper treatment. Along with it, eat healthy foods and stay away from oily and spicy foods. Drink lots of water to keep your body free from toxins. Regular exercises can bring a healthy glow on your face.

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