Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How to Make Lemon Oil

Lemon oil is one of the few essential oils which can be used for various purposes around the house. Whether it's in the kitchen while cooking, or cleaning and polishing the wooden furniture, or as a disinfectant, or even for aromatherapy and other ailments, lemon has many uses. Due to so many beneficial lemon oil uses, it is no wonder people are searching for recipes on how to make lemon oil at home. And perhaps that is one of the reasons why you are here as well. In our article today, we will be going over a few recipes for making lemon oil with simple ingredients that can be found in your pantry. So what are we waiting for? Let's get right to it.

Making Lemon Oil at Home

Even though there are various uses of lemon oil, for the purpose of this article, we will be sticking to its uses for cooking and cleaning purposes. So let's get to each of these purposes one by one and see how the lemon oil is actually made.

How to Make Lemon Oil for Cooking?
An essential citrus fruit, there are different parts parts of lemon which can be used, such as the juice, pulp, and the zest. Incorporated in various cuisines and cooking styles, the lemon can bring a complimenting flavor to any dish. Which is why, making lemon oil for cooking can be beneficial, as well as a skin care product and aromatherapy. Here are the steps for the lemon oil recipe.
  • Take a zester to remove the yellow skin of the lemon. Make sure you use a fresh lemon to make the oil.
  • When you are peeling off the skin, keep the white part intact.
  • In a bowl, place the rind in and add 1 cup of olive oil in it.
  • If you want the oil to taste more tangy, you can add more rind with the oil.
  • Stir the ingredients and leave the bowl aside, covered.
  • Let the rind do its magic and give the citrus flavor to the olive oil.
  • If you keep the rind in for a longer time, the more lemony the oil will become.
  • You can add lemon oil to pastas, while baking cakes, or add in marinades, vinaigrettes, and sauces.
How to Make Lemon Oil for Cleaning?
Perhaps you're already aware that lemon oil can be used as a furniture cleaner. But do you know why? Lemon oil has the ability to restore the lost shine and gloss in your old furniture. Instead of replacing the furniture, one quick spray of lemon oil and your furniture is good as new. But that's not all. Besides using lemon oil for furniture, it also works on stainless steel (utensils, door knobs, etc.) and shower stalls. Here are the steps for making lemon oil for cleaning your wooden furniture and other household items.
  • In a bowl, take 3 tablespoons of lemon juice (freshly squeezed) and few drops of jojoba oil.
  • You can use other essential oils as well such as linseed oil, olive oil, or almond oil.
  • Mix properly and take a clean, soft cotton towel.
  • Dip the towel in the oil and wipe the furniture with it.
  • Move in the direction of the grain with light hands.
  • For tough spots where you can't reach easily, use a soft-bristled toothbrush to clean.
  • With another clean, dry cloth, wipe the furniture again and let it dry on its own.
  • Make small batches of lemon oil to clean the furniture; leftover oil can stain them.
These were the steps on how to make lemon oil at home. As I mentioned earlier, only few simple ingredients can do the trick. Always make fresh lemon oil for cooking and cleaning so it can benefit you in a positive way.

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