Jennifer Aniston is the hot chick who keeps getting dumped by men! WTF? The Sun in London is venturing forth to ask the obvious question this week, what the heck is wrong with Her? Jennifer is closing in on 40.
Yes, closing in on 40.
Have you ever tried dating the single men over the age of 40 these days? They're single for a reason. Most have been married and dumped by their wives because they haven't a faithful bone in their bodies, or they suffer from another menacing addiction of some sort. Jen is having problems finding a good middle aged man. Hopefully she will be able to, but Oprah has stated time and again that it is more likely that a woman will be shot by a terrorist than to find a good, marriage worthy single man over the age of 35.
I thinks, Jennifer Aniston really deserves a good guy. But Too bad she hasn't been lucky.
But, Maybe she likes it that way. or probably bacuase she really is better than alot of single men out there. She may just not want one.
So, Why does something have to be 'wrong' with her? Maybe she just hasn't found the right guy yet, and she's not willing to settle for anything else. I don't really see a problem with that.
Im sure theres more too her than just looks. Theres probably somekind of characteristic that she has that is driving men away.
People I know who have dealt with her before, all say Jennifer Aniston is got "issues". It's funny, but that's the choice of words they use when they describe her: "Girl's got issues.. I'll leave it at that."
She keeps going for men who aren't ready to settle down. Maybe shes annoying to be with
love every body that she has been with has treated her like crap in i don't blame her for kicking them to the curbs :)
Because Jennifer Aniston has'nt found the right guy, not everyone HAS to have a boyfriend, or girlfriend...
I know. Jenn's such an inspiration, I love her. I hope she finds Mr. Right.